Emotional Blackmail literal speaking means 訴諸情感的"黑信"???
nono! blackmail是勒索的意思
以下是在網路上一位男士寫自己對"emotional blackmail"的觀感:(節錄自
Men are really from Mars and women from Venus..


但是,一般最可怕的女生是知道男生的弱点,而从中下毒手的女生。女生第一武器是所谓的 Emotional Blackmail。这包过哭在内,目的是使男生们感到内疚惭愧,自暴自气。接下来的部分我会用英文来写,因为对象是一个不会读华语的女生。

A girl's greatest weapon: Emotional Blackmail

What is Emotional Blackmail? It is a statement or behavior, which uses your fear, guilt, obligation, or confusion to trap you into giving the abuser power over you. It sounds very criminal but actually most people use Emotional Blackmail on each other from time-to-time without realizing it (Sorry to say but it is usually committed by the female species). Likewise, a lot of people are also actually victims of Emotional Blackmail unknowingly. I first came across this term in a book by the world renowned ‘body language’ master Allan Pease.

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